KPSS 2008 hakkında genel bilgiler
Lisans düzeyindeki adaylar için başvuru tarihi 28.04.2008-09.05.2008 ,
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için başvuru tarihi 26.05.2008-27.06.2008 dir.
2008 yılı KPSS sınav tarihleri de aşağıdaki gibidir:
- Lisans düzeyindeki adaylar için 28-29 Haziran 2008,
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için 21 Eylül 2008 tarihlerinde KPSS gerçekleştirilecektir.
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için başvuru tarihi 26.05.2008-27.06.2008 dir.
2008 yılı KPSS sınav tarihleri de aşağıdaki gibidir:
- Lisans düzeyindeki adaylar için 28-29 Haziran 2008,
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için 21 Eylül 2008 tarihlerinde KPSS gerçekleştirilecektir.
Adaylar, 2008-KPSS LİSANS Kılavuzu ile Aday Bilgi Formunu 2,00 YTL karşılığında 28 Nisan-9 Mayıs 2008 tarihleri arasında Başvuru Merkezlerinden alacaklardır. Başvuru Merkezleri başvuru tarihinden önce ve başvuru süresi boyunca ÖSYM’nin internet adresinden duyurulacaktır. Adayların bu Kılavuzu dikkatle incelemeleri ve başvuru işlemlerini burada yer alan kurallara göre yapmaları gerekmektedir.
Bu Kılavuzda ayrıca, Türkiye İş Kurumunun (İŞKUR) KPSS sonuçlarının normal, özürlü, eski hükümlü işçi alımında da kullanacağına ilişkin bir duyurusu bulunmaktadır.
KPSS adaylarına duyurulur.
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için başvuru tarihi 26.05.2008-27.06.2008 dir.
2008 yılı KPSS sınav tarihleri de aşağıdaki gibidir:
- Lisans düzeyindeki adaylar için 28-29 Haziran 2008,
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için 21 Eylül 2008 tarihlerinde KPSS gerçekleştirilecektir.
Adaylar, 2008-KPSS LİSANS Kılavuzu ile Aday Bilgi Formunu 2,00 YTL karşılığında 28 Nisan-9 Mayıs 2008 tarihleri arasında Başvuru Merkezlerinden alacaklardır. Başvuru Merkezleri başvuru tarihinden önce ve başvuru süresi boyunca ÖSYM’nin internet adresinden duyurulacaktır. Adayların bu Kılavuzu dikkatle incelemeleri ve başvuru işlemlerini burada yer alan kurallara göre yapmaları gerekmektedir.
Bu Kılavuzda ayrıca, Türkiye İş Kurumunun (İŞKUR) KPSS sonuçlarının normal, özürlü, eski hükümlü işçi alımında da kullanacağına ilişkin bir duyurusu bulunmaktadır.
KPSS adaylarına duyurulur.
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için başvuru tarihi 26.05.2008-27.06.2008 dir.
2008 yılı KPSS sınav tarihleri de aşağıdaki gibidir:
- Lisans düzeyindeki adaylar için 28-29 Haziran 2008,
- Önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için 21 Eylül 2008 tarihlerinde KPSS gerçekleştirilecektir.
Adaylar, 2008-KPSS LİSANS Kılavuzu ile Aday Bilgi Formunu 2,00 YTL karşılığında 28 Nisan-9 Mayıs 2008 tarihleri arasında Başvuru Merkezlerinden alacaklardır. Başvuru Merkezleri başvuru tarihinden önce ve başvuru süresi boyunca ÖSYM’nin internet adresinden duyurulacaktır. Adayların bu Kılavuzu dikkatle incelemeleri ve başvuru işlemlerini burada yer alan kurallara göre yapmaları gerekmektedir.
Bu Kılavuzda ayrıca, Türkiye İş Kurumunun (İŞKUR) KPSS sonuçlarının normal, özürlü, eski hükümlü işçi alımında da kullanacağına ilişkin bir duyurusu bulunmaktadır.
KPSS adaylarına duyurulur.
KPSS 2008 Sınav tarihi ve ayrıntıları
Devlet Bakanı Murat Başesgioğlu, yaptığı yazılı açıklamada, 2004 ve 2006 yılında yapılan KPSS'nin geçerlilik süresinin dolması nedeniyle 2008 yılında KPSS yapılacağını bildirdi.
''Kamu Görevlerine İlk Defa Atanacaklar İçin Yapılacak Sınavlar Hakkında Genel Yönetmelikte'' yapılan değişiklikle, 2006-KPSS sonuçlarının geçerli olacağı sürede 2004-KPSS sonuçlarının da geçerli olacağının hükme bağlandığı anımsatılan açıklamada, bu dönemde yapılan sınavların geçerlilik sürelerinin, lisans düzeyinde KPSS'ye girmiş adaylar için 30 Haziran 2008, ortaöğretim ve önlisans düzeyindekiler için de 16 Eylül 2008'de sona ereceği ifade edildi. Açıklamada, şunlar kaydedildi:
''2006'dan bu yana yeni mezun olan ya da öğrenim durumlarında değişiklik olan adaylar ile KPSS'nin her iki yılda bir düzenli olarak yapıldığı ve buna göre adayların şahsen ya da kurslara gitmek suretiyle KPSS'ye hazırlandıkları hususları dikkate alınarak, ortaöğretim, önlisans ve lisans düzeyinden devlet memuru olmak isteyen tüm adayların başvurmasına imkan sağlayacak şekilde yapılan detaylı çalışmalar neticesinde 2008 yılında lisans düzeyindeki adaylar için 28-29 Haziran 2008, önlisans ve ortaöğretim düzeyindeki adaylar için 21 Eylül 2008 tarihlerinde KPSS gerçekleştirilecektir.''
Kpss 2008 Soru Dağılımları
1) TÜRKÇE | %50 | 2) MATEMATİK | %50 | |
a) Sözcük Bilgisi | %5 | a) Sayılarla İşlem Yapma | %10 | |
b) Dil Bilgisi | %10 | b) Matematiksel İlişkilerden Yararlanma | %10 | |
c) Anlatım Özellikleri | %5 | c) Problem Çözme | %20 | |
d) Okuduğunu anlama | %30 | d) Temel Geometri Bilgilerinden Yararlanma | %5 | |
| | e) Tablo, Grafik Okuma ve Yorumlama | %5 | |
a) III. Selim´den itibaren Türk İnkılabını hazırlayan etkenler | %5 | a) Hukuk başlangıcı ve genel kamu hukuku, devletler umumi hukuku ve özel hukuku | %5 | |
b) Ulusal Kurtuluş Savaşı | %10 | b) Anayasa Hukuku | %5 | |
c) Atatürk İlke ve İnkılapları | %15 | c) İdare hukuku | %5 | |
d) Atatürk Dönemi: İç Olaylar ve Dış Politika | %10 | | | |
a) Türkiye´nin fiziki özellikleri | %5 | a) Selçuklular ve önceki dönem | %5 | |
b) Türkiye´nin beşeri özellikleri | %5 | b) Osmanlılar Dönemi | %5 | |
c) Türkiye´nin ekonomik özellikleri | %20 | | | |
a) Gelişim Psikolojisi | %10 | a) Program Geliştirme | %10 | |
b) Öğrenme Psikolojisi | %25 | b) Öğretim Metotları | %25 | |
c) Ölçme- Değerlendirme | %15 | 3) REHBERLİK | %15 |
Heidi Klum
Melanie Brown, Sienna Miller ve Sheryl Crow
Hayden Panettiere, Madonna ve Hilary Duff
Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan ve Kate Hudson
Jessica Simpson ve Jennifer Hudson
Variety reports that Activision is to review all Sierra/Vivendi games due for release in 2009, with the future survival of all projects resting on the new owner's appraisal of them.
With EA moving into a hostile position regarding its proposed purchase of Take Two, news regarding 2007's merger between Activision and Vivendi - thereby creating the world's largest video game publishing empire - has rather taken a back seat.
To recap, Activision bought the Vivendi games division (which often operates under the Sierra name), with Vivendi itself buying a controlling share in Activision. One of the company's primary holdings is, of course, Blizzard Entertainment, and this is one of the key motivations in EA's recent movements against Take Two, as well as the origin of the publisher's new 'Activision Bizzard' moniker.
It's taken time for the deal to rumble into effect, and the next few months will see gradual consolidation of the two company's assets and offices throughout the world. What that means is that if Activision wants things to change, they're going to change soon.
First on the list is a review of all 2009 titles currently planned by Sierra. Those due in 2008 are deemed safe because they're already well into production. Essentially, everyone who already gone financing for their game from Sierra is going to have to pitch again to Activision.
It's not great news for those developers, but you can't blame Activision. After all, all they really wanted was World of Warcraft.
Not really the first, but the first for a long bloody time.
OpFlash 2 is Codemasters' internally developed sequel to Bohemia Interactive's original opus. Bohemia went on to produce the unofficial follow up ArmA, with the rights to the license staying with Codies.
All the signs are worrying - it's a publisher developed follow-up to an indie game, it's had an almost zero profile for a number of years, and Codies has no experience in the genre.
There is however, one thing going for it - it's taken so bloody long. Look at the situation Sierra found itself in with FEAR - it took the name, and trolled out a couple of cheap, subpar expansions, while Monolith went on to develop a full but unofficial sequel. Codies obviously don't want to do that, and that's a Good Sign.
Eyes peeled on this one.
The first shots of multiplayer GTA IV in action have surfaced and just as rapidly disappeared. Luckily, as you can see above, I managed to nab one of them before they were pulled.
Dutch website posted the screens yesterday.
GTA and multiplayer have never been the easiest of bedfellows. Do you think GTA IV will change that?
7 Minutes is a game-in-a-week formed from traditional platforming mechanics, stylised and perfectly pitched to tell a story.
The game pitches you as a man - who looks strangely like a small black square with eyes - who has seven minutes left to live. The game taunts you as you progress through its many levels, all the time the clock ticking down.
It's a profound tale, told largely through the platforming elements rather than any fancy cut scenes or dialogue, and well worth the effort just for that.
No, it's not perfect, yes, it's very annoying. But is this sort of stuff exciting? Definitely.
Well, either exciting, or pretentious. Give it a go and let us know what you think.
Grab it here.
Website Server Back Up
Pandemic Working on New Batman Game
It's been rumoured for some time, but several sources are now claiming 100% certainty that Pandemic - the team behind Mercenaries and the upcoming Saboteur - is working on a new Batman game to accompany the upcoming film.
Kokatu is the latest to commit to the story, and with the film not too far from the horizon, an official announcement must be on the way soon.
Further details are scarce, but the film's going to be fantastic, so cross fingers, toes, and anything else you've got that it's going to live up to its name.
Thief 4 Announced…ish
Eidos Montreal, the new studio set up to develop the third in the Deus Ex series, has announced that it's working on a second AAA title.
I was musing only the other day on Deus Ex: Invisible War and Thief: Deadly Shadows' joint development (same engine, same timescale, same developer), and how it seemed reasonable to propose a fourth in the Thief series might be underway in parallel with Deus Ex 3… low and behold, it is.
The official phrasing is 'Eidos Montreal is proud to announce the recruitment for our second AAA project. A hint! The title begins with a 'T'…'
What's more, the Studio Manager is said to be sporting a Thief style letter T on his Facebook profile.
If that's not Thief 4 confirmed, I'll eat your hat.
Let's hope it's better than Deadly Shadows.
Inteplay Back in Business, Fallout MMO on the Cards
It's been a while.
Yes, the news that's been hanging around the interweb for months now has officially surfaced: Interplay is building up a development team, and looking to begin a Fallout MMO.
The beleaguered publisher was delisted from the NASDAQ and pretty much closed down in 2004. Its famous internal studio Black Isle was packed up, members going on to work at studios like Obsidian and Troika. The publisher, however, retained its name and intellectual property, inluding Fallout, Earthworm Jim, MDK and Descent / Freespace.
In 2007, the Fallout property was flogged to Bethesda (who are now working on Fallout 3) for just under $6 million. Importantly, though, Interplay retained the rights to develop an MMO based on the Fallout universe.
With cash in pocket, the publisher is now recruiting for its new internal development team, and looking for financing for its two pronged development plan - the Fallout MMO and the reinvigoration of other, smaller IPs.
There's a long road ahead for Interplay. Its strength as a publisher was always the pull of its development teams, so with Black Isle, Volition, Bioware and Shiny all either dissolved or otherwise engaged, starting from scratch could be a tall order.
Still, a new team and fantastic IP can't be a bad start.
User Guide: Omnidrive for Windows
Your Guide to Omnidrive's Windows Client
Omnidrive's Windows Client lets you bring your web-based files down to your desktop, allowing you to easily access all your files and folders.
Just click on the links below for to learn exactly how to use Omnidrive's Windows client features:
Valve announces free Steamworks publishing platform
Valve has launched a new, free suite of software tools based around the Steam network to help ease the burden of developing and publishing PC games.
"Developers and publishers are spending more and more time and money cobbling together all the tools and backend systems needed to build and launch a successful title in today's market," said Valve president Gabe Newell. "Steamworks puts all those tools and systems together in one free package, liberating publishers and developers to concentrate on the game instead of the plumbing."
The tools include the ability to track sales and software activation in real time, voice chat, auto-patching, matchmaking and anti-piracy measures.
Is Valve a genuine do-gooder, or does the company just know how to comprehensively corner a market?
It's funny how absurd web hosting data limits become if they're not routinely updated to reflect ongoing cost decreases.
Here's an example from yesterday:
Jason Kottke linked to a webpage that happens to be hosted on Yahoo's Geocities free publishing platform. Personally, I hadn't heard Geocities mentioned in years, but I suppose someone's still using it. As you can see in Kottke's comment, he was surprised to see that Geocities was still around too:
Game Java untuk Sony Ericsson
Berisi beberapa game java untuk HP Sony Ericsson: Chesmaster, Spiderman, The Hulk, Splinter Cell, Top Gun 2, Tom & Jery. DOWNLOAD DISINI
Photo Print Calendar
Photo Print Calendar is a powerful tool for creating common wall calendars. You can use your own images as main picture for every single months. Photo Print Calendar is international and allows users to format the view of days and weeks in different local ways. The easy to use interface gives access to all options and allows creating your own calendar in a few minutes. Nice December tool, even for creating personal (Christmas) gifts.
Micro Sys Launcher
Launcher is an easy-to-use personal shortcut manager to launch all kinds of files and programs. Drag-and-drop operations are supported; this means that when Launcher is in 'Manage Items' mode, it is possible to configure shortcuts by 'dragging' files from e.g. Windows Desktop and then 'dropping' them into Launcher. One can create an unlimited amount of user defined sub-folders and item (e.g. program) shortcuts. Launcher always resides in the system tray per default; however, one can turn this off in settings. Launcher also has various GUI options, e.g. customizable program font setup (name and size).
It retrieves system and hardware informations. It has also some options to manage your computer:
- Shutdown, reboot, log-off or lock computer.
- Start, stop or delete a service.
- Change Windows elements color.
- Kill or change a processe's priority.
- A registry tweaker (optimize registry + services).
- A cleaner (delete IE cookies, IE temporary Internet files, recent documents, all recycle bins on all drives, Log files, Backup files, Temporary files).
- A password generator.
- A shortcut maker.
- A QuickLaunh accessible via the systray.
- Enable, disable, launch your screensaver.
- Show/Hide Windows's elements (systray, traywnd, start up button, desktop).
- Possibilty to stop Internet connection.
- A Whois query + TCP/IP Analyzer via http link.
Lastly you can backup informations retrieved by K1 in a text file.
Replace in Files
Replace in Files - While editing HTML files, it is common to replace specific strings in all files with the same extension in the same folder. "Replace in Files" makes it easy to accomplish this task."Replace in Files" quickly replaces strings matching your search string with the replacement you specify. You can specify whether replaces are case sensitive or not, and whether to make backups before executing the search and replace.
Cobian Backup
Cobian Backup software is a multi-threaded program you can use to backup your files and directories from their original location to other directories/drives in the same computer or other computer in your network. Now you can altso backup to a FTP server. Cobian Backup exists in two different versions: application and service. The program uses very few resources and can be running on the background on your system, checking your backup schedule and executing your backups when necessary.
Comodo AntiVirus
Comodo AntiVirus - Eliminates all known viruses, worms and trojans from desktops and networks. Comodo AntiVirus - Eliminates all known viruses, worms and trojans from Windows computers. Features on-demand & on-access scanning, email scanning, process monitoring, worm blocker, scan scheduling and more. It's easy to use; will not slow down your PC and is free for life to the end user.Specifically engineered to deliver the very highest protection, Comodo AV boasts an industry leading feature list that's packed with the latest and most sophisticated technologies. Detects and eliminates viruses from desktops and networks Constantly protects with real-time On Access scanning online Proactive Heuristic analysis intercepts unknown threats Daily, automatic updates of virus definitions Isolates suspicious files in quarantine preventing infection Full inbound and out bound E-Mail scanning Simple to use: install and forget Updated virus definitions are automatically downloaded according to a schedule of your choice or by a single click on the 'updater' button. Once installed, Comodo AntiVirus will unobtrusively sit in your system tray, silently and efficiently defending your system from the latest virus outbreaks.Unlike the stripped down versions of commercial software that other software vendors offer for free, this is the full, completely functional version of the product.
Free Lifetime License - After downloading and installing Comodo AntiVirus, just register with us and you will be sent a free license. After activation, this license will never expire.
Allway Sync Free
Allway Sync Free
When you work, even just occasionally, on multiple computers, you probably have to copy files from one device to the other. Although you could keep file modifications in your mind, there is a better way to apply your skills. Let Allway Sync take care of recent changes to your files. It looks for the latest version of a file, in specified folders, and copies it to the other folder, i.e. it synchronizes them. Unlike other file synchronization software which just copies file with the most recent file modification time, Allway Sync implements a sophisticated algorithm which does not depend on system clock accuracy. Allway Sync is fast, safe, stable and easy-to-use. All you need to do is to specify the local or network folders (directories) to be synchronized and the program does the rest. If your computers are not connected, use a removable drive to synchronize them.
Data Recovery version 2.4.2
DataRecovery is freeware and written by TOKIWA to undelete accidentally deleted files even from recycle bin.
But DataRecovery doesn't assure that all files deleted can be recovered successfully.It mostly depends on your system/configuration and we can't support each of all those varieties.
Compatible operating systems: Windows9x/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP/Vista
Safe XP
Safe XP allows users to quickly tweak various security and privacy related settings in XP. The options include Media Player settings, Services settings (error reporting, time synch, remote registry etc.), as well as and option to remove items from the Start menu, network security settings and more.
Safe XP improves your system performance and makes Windows to run faster, more secure and reliable!
It is suitable for beginners and experts!
For Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Snap Backup
Snap Backup
Backup utility for individual computer users who need a simple and convenient way to backup their valuable files. Available in English, Italian (italiano), and German (Deutsch).
Jet Start
Tired of digging into crowded Start Menu? JetStart offers you a quick access to categorized Start Menu shortcuts, recently launched programs and system commands. Just point your mouse to the Start Menu button! You can also place your most used programs and documents into the handy toolbar and quickly run any program by typing few starting letters.
Backup4all is a backup software for Windows. It protects your valuable data from partial or total loss by automating tasks, password protecting and compressing it to save storage space.
Using Backup4all you can easily back up to any local or network drive, backup to FTP, backup to DVD, or other removable media (such as USB HDD or flash drives). Backup4all is the best backup solution for desktop and laptop computers, for your business or personal use.
HD Tune
HD Tune is a Hard Disk utility which has the following functions:
- Benchmark: measures the performance
- Info: shows detailed information
- Health: checks the health status by using SMART
- Error Scan: scans the surface for errors
- Temperature display
HD Tune may also work with other storage devices such as memory cards, USB sticks, iPods, etc.
Note: this software only works in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows 2003 Server (must be logged on as an administrator).
RegSeeker is the perfect companion for your Windows registry!
RegSeeker includes a powerful registry cleaner and can display various informations like your startup entries, several histories (even index.dat files), installed applications and much more! With RegSeeker you can search for any item inside your registry, export/delete the results, open them in the registry. RegSeeker also includes a tweaks panel to optimize your OS!
WARNING: Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. At the very least, you should back up any valued data on the computer before making changes to the registry. RegSeeker is provided 'as is'. Use at your own risk.
Windows fills up your computer's memory (RAM) little by little and finally RAM is filled with unnecessary data. Sooner or later you have to reboot your computer to make it work faster. With RamBooster you can continuously monitor the amount of RAM. If the amount of free RAM goes too low, free more with RamBooster. RamBooster can do this automatically if you wish.
File Renamer
Batch rename selected files from a directory to the specified prefix and extention, or keep it's own extentions.
File Renamer is written using Visual Basic 6.0, and requires the VB runtimes to be properly installed in your system.
Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
Overdrive2 skins winamp
This Overdrive2 free skins winamp created by novi productions
t took some German Engineering and a lot of work to turbo-charge this skin. The "German Engineering" is in the form of aid from Sven Kistner, author of MMD3. The "lot of work" is the following set of new features:
- more detailed leather and steel wheel
- completely redone buttons, now integrated with the wheel
- completely redone equalizer
- small items and bug fixes, ex: skinned tooltips
- improved color presets (try the Night Driving preset)
Nemo Papercraft
Senin, 2008 Maret 24
Ferrari 599
Ferrari 599 GBT Fiorano
Although the 599 GTB is one of the highest performing and most aggressive Ferraris ever to come from the factory, German tuner Novitec has taken the car a step further. Visual modifications are relatively simple, with a body kit that includes a new front air dam, rear diffuser, wing, side flaps, side skirts, and smoked LED taillights. Performance is enhanced via an upgraded ECU and a new exhaust system that adds an additional 25 horsepower to push the total to 645 bhp. Handling is improved with the addition of a KW Automotive suspension with adjustability that can be changed inside the car. Braking has also been addressed, with a new Brembo 405mm 6-piston setup on all four corners. N3 wheels are fitted - 20-inch front and 21-inch in the rear, wrapped in Pirelli P Zero tires.
Peugeot 206
The 206 was originally launched as a hatchback with 1.1 , 1.2 diesel engine, 1.4 and 1.6 -litre petrol engines and a 1.9 litre diesel engine, a HDi version with common rail coming later. In 1999 a 2.0 litre GTi capable of 210 km/h, and in 2003 a tuned version of the GTi called the Peugeot 206 RC (GTi 180 in the UK), were added to the range. It did 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) in 7.4s and it reached a top speed of 220 km/h (137 mph) with 180 bhp (130 kW). In 2001, two more versions of the 206 were launched - the 206 CC (coupé convertible) with a folding steel roof and the 206 SW station wagon. A 4-door sedan version, developed with Iran Khodro, was unveiled in late 2005, and it is available in the Iranian, North African, Chinese, Russian, and Bulgarian markets.
Microsoft Zune Desktop Theme xp

Microsoft Zune Theme is a special Windows XP Theme from Microsoft designed to look like its new Zune portable media player. This is an official skin for Windows XP that has a dark grey style and orange Start menu.
Download (Microsoft)
Black Windows XP Theme

Vista ZRB Black window xp theme
This Vista ZRB.BLK VS Created by: zrageburn
Mystic Night XP XP Style

CG digital artwork created by GillB. Custom installer with uninstall option.