2011 KPSS ,Sınav İlanları,Kpss Soruları,Kpss sonuçları,KPSS Deneme sınavları ve KPSS ders notları,atamalar

kpss, kpds, ssk sorgulama, tarım bağkuru, kpss tercihleri, 2011 KPSS ,Sınav İlanları,Kpss Soruları,Kpss sonuçları,KPSS Deneme sınavları ve KPSS ders notları,atamalar

Global Warming

Global Warming

Global warming is the earth's average ground temperatures. The main cause of

global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. These fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the earth's

atmosphere. Also other substances known as greenhouse gases are released into the earth's atmosphere. The earth becomes a

better insulator, as these gases become more affluent preserving more heat provided

by the sun. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane help trap heat to warm the

planet. These gases are known as the greenhouse gases.

Many things contribute to global warming. Such things are, industries,

transportation, electricity used, waste produced, and agriculture. Industrialized

nations contribute the most to the release of carbon dioxide. These industrialized nations create greater pollution than any other nations. Also construction, and

offshore oil and gas production, and manufacturing dependent on water, and tourism and

recreation, and industry that is located on coastal zones and permafrost regions. Theses all

contribute to global warming. All agro-industries (food and drink, forestry-related

activity, and textiles also contribute. Paper industries also contribute. And steel industries contribute

also to this. So many things contribute to global warming. So many gases are released into the earth's atmosphere. These gases cause so much pollution. Sooner or later the earth will not be able to handle this pollution and eventually will decrease in everything it has gained since its creation.
(Hopefully this paper will help anyone in need, and if not, I am sorry I suck so bad at writing. But hey, I cannot help it!)

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2011 KPSS ,Sınav İlanları,Kpss Soruları,Kpss sonuçları,KPSS Deneme sınavları ve KPSS ders notları,atamalar

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2011 KPSS ,Sınav İlanları,Kpss Soruları,Kpss sonuçları,KPSS Deneme sınavları ve KPSS ders notları,atamalar



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